On one hand, buying your first home is an incredibly exciting and rewarding experience. On the other, it can be, at times, stressful and overwhelming. You are taking in an abundant amount of information at once and it can be difficult to process it all. You may not even know where to start in terms of applying or how much house you can afford. Fortunately for first time homebuyers like you, help can be easily obtained! Below, we’ve provided some information on helpful books and resources for first time buyers.
Helpful Books & Resources for First-Time Homebuyers
Trying to figure out what loans to apply for, how to qualify, who to work with, and more can be exhausting. That said, the more insight and information you have at your disposal, the better off you’ll be. Here are some great resources for first time homebuyers that we recommend taking a look at:
Department of Housing
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development, or HUD, website is a great resource for first-time homebuyers. This website can help you learn about the buyer programs available in your state as well as important policies and procedures. They cover nearly everything you need to know about being a first-time homebuyer.
Great Books for First Time Buyers
If you’ve got the time to read the classic, “Home Buying Kit for Dummies” we highly recommend doing so. It’s a great place to find basic and valuable information that will help you as you get started with your journey. You can treat it as a textbook and take notes or study it at your leisure. When it comes specifically to mortgage loans, “How to Get Approved for the Best Mortgage Without Sticking a Fork in Your Eye,” is a great, easy-to-understand resource.
Lender Guides
Most lenders have their own first-time homebuyer guide on their website. This can be a helpful resource because it includes details that the lender has deemed important to their customers. This is also a great conversation starter when you go to contact a lender in order to discuss your options.
Get to Know Your Lender
Often, the resource that first time homebuyers find most helpful is their lender. Having a conversation with your lender can go a long way in terms of helping you understand your options and what opportunities might be out there for you. Call today to speak to a representative from our office.